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A silly PowerShell function to determine when this month's Patch Tuesday is


I wanted a quick way to determine when this month’s Patch Tuesday was without having to look at a calendar, so I came up with this silly thing. Toss it in your PS profile and never forget when Patch Tuesday is again!

function Get-PatchTuesday {
    $Month = Get-Date -Format 'MMMM'
    switch ((Get-Date -Day 1).DayOfWeek) {
        'Tuesday'   {return "Patch Tuesday is on $Month 8th"}
        'Monday'    {return "Patch Tuesday is on $Month 9th"}
        'Sunday'    {return "Patch Tuesday is on $Month 10th"}
        'Saturday'  {return "Patch Tuesday is on $Month 11th"}
        'Friday'    {return "Patch Tuesday is on $Month 12th"}
        'Thursday'  {return "Patch Tuesday is on $Month 13th"}
        'Wednesday' {return "Patch Tuesday is on $Month 14th"}

New-Alias -Name gpt -Value Get-PatchTuesday
Anthony J. Fontanez
Anthony J. Fontanez